How to avoid having your bank account drained
The malware epidemic has matured into a sophisticated criminal tool for sucking cash out of bank accounts. Here are some basic tips to stay clean of the threat of malware.
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.focus on your core business.
Increasingly, we are hearing in the news about cryptocurrencies like bitcoin, ethereum and dogecoin. A new facet of the conversation, …
… progress will only occur and accelerate if we facilitate the interaction between technologist and entrepreneur – and do it locally.
The deadline for meeting stage 2 standards of meaningful use of EHRs has been delayed until 2014 to encourage more physicians to participate.
An InfoWorld article summarizes the Verizon 2011 Data Breach Investigations Report(DBIR) and shows that – surprise! – the attackers are …
The malware epidemic has matured into a sophisticated criminal tool for sucking cash out of bank accounts. Here are some basic tips to stay clean of the threat of malware.
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How long does it take before you discover a data breach? And by that time, is it too late? What are the measures you put in place to identify the issue and ensure that it doesn’t happen again?
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Banks do not have fraud detection systems to detect repeat ATM withdrawls within a short period of time.
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From Hacktivists to ‘the Professionals’, DDoS attacks are a major tool.
And detailed DDoS discussion:
2011 will be the year of using old attack vectors in new web 2.0 ways. DDoS with social media? Browser-only DDoS? Lookout!
Cool! Facebook intern turns data into amazing map of a connected world.
Great post @smartplanet on the Voyager1 Space Probe leaving the Solar System. What being will discover the Golden Disk?