Banks do not have fraud d…

Banks do not have fraud detection systems to detect repeat ATM withdrawls within a short period of time.

Hacktivists and ‘the Professionals’ should make 2011 quite interesting

From Hacktivists to ‘the Professionals’, DDoS attacks are a major tool. And detailed DDoS discussion:

2011: expect more of using social media for hacktivism

2011 will be the year of using old attack vectors in new web 2.0 ways. DDoS with social media? Browser-only …

Facebook intern turns user demographics into an amazing map of a connected world…

Cool! Facebook intern turns data into amazing map of a connected world.

Voyager1 Space Probe leaving the Solar System

Great post @smartplanet on the Voyager1 Space Probe leaving the Solar System. What being will discover the Golden Disk?

Top 20 passwords found in the Gawker dump

Interesting list of top 20 passwords in the Gawker dump. Hope you aren’t registered on any lifehacker/gawker sites!!

Real-world server room nightmares…

TechRepublic’s Real-world server room nightmares. Check out these pics! I feel good for what we do for our clients…

Are you making money from your blog?

Are any of you making money from your blogs? Interesting infographic says a lot of you are.

The Economics of Cybercrime

The Economics of Cybercrime and the Law of Malware Probability. Great stats on underground malware economics.

Senate bill to require minimum cybersecurity standards for internet

RT @itsecnews: Infosecurity (US): Senate bill would require minimum cybersecurity standards for internet …